As one of the youtubers my
family follows would say, “Hello all you beautiful people.” I know it has
been a while since I posted. I am hoping you came back and was happy to find
that I posted something.
I am following my day job
and I am finishing getting set up for this semester's classes that I am
teaching. I was going to wait till I could do a deep dive on one of the Quantum
Computing topics. I believe that might be too long till I can do that.
Microsoft Bing came to the
rescue. I opened “Edge” to get started on the day’s work and there was an
article on Quantum Computing. An article that proves my point, that our current
group of students, no matter what level, will be the ones bringing Quantum
Computing to all of our lives one way or another.
Check the article by
clicking here Will
quantum computing emerge as a disruptive in the near future? Discover Quantum
Computing investment opportunities.
In short, the article
mentions companies that are investing in Quantum Computing technology. The
companies are ones all of us use every day. But the first sentence is what gets
my notice the most, “According to Garner, around 40% of large companies will
have some initiatives around quantum computing by 2025.”
Please take a minute and
just check this out. The wave is coming.
Thank you for stopping in
and I will leave the blog on for you.