In order for me to continue teaching, I pursued a master’s degree. I chose to get that master’s degree in education and technology. During that journey to obtain the degree, I did a whole semester of research into Quantum Computing. During that research, I became convinced that Quantum Technology is in all our futures. It is closer than you think. Since my concentration is in education and I was teaching basic networking, I went on to think what it would take to teach quantum computing. During my Networking 1 class I would teach binary, the basics of today’s computing technology. Then I saw that Quantum Technology is based on Quantum Mechanics and I then panicked thinking where do I start? I am not even sure I understand it. This blog is dedicated to education on Quantum Computing and Quantum Technology. This blog is going to always be a work in progress. If you want to keep up with all the events in Quantum technology, please check back periodically. To the left you will find Blog f...